How Do You Perceive Your Purpose?

The story of the bricklayers moved me. Have you heard this story? Let me tell it to make sure we’re talking about the same story.

A visitor came across a bricklayer hard at work. The visitor asked what the bricklayer was doing. “I’m stacking bricks”, came the answer.

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Courage: The Confidence to Master Your Fears

Courage is the confidence to do what you know you need to do, it’s doing the right thing. Courage is acting despite your fears. Confidence, or courage, is what helps you live the life you feel is best for you.

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Balancing Four Vitally Important Life Factors

It’s the tiny connections in life that sometimes make the biggest impacts on our lives. And they make life interesting!

That experience happened for me recently when I heard Napoleon Hill, author of Think And Grow Rich, mention during one of his recorded lectures, something about a healthy life being created by balancing four vitally important factors. He went on to talk about how the Mayo brothers had this concept.

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Holiday Chaos to Holiday Simplicity

The holiday season, that period of time between Thanksgiving and New Years (in my book), is filled with food and fun, parties and people, shopping and singing, and cleaning and chaos. We get so caught up in all the things to do that we forget what’s really important — spending quality time with friends and family. It’s a shame, really.

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Get Out Of Your Own Way!

Most of my clients feel stuck — they don’t quite know which way to turn to change their lives.

Fear grips them — fear of failure, fear of not being liked, fear of being alone, and even fear of change. They have found that a new mindset, new tools, and support have helped them overcome those things that have held them back. That work has given them new thoughts, and thus new realities.

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Gifts — a LIFE vlog

Those reminders to stop — or at least slow down — and take stock of life or a situation happen regularly. Sometimes it’s a deer jumping in front of me, sometimes it’s a string of red lights that remind me to not take life so seriously. Sometimes that message to slow down means a mental slow down, sometimes it means a physical slow down. Sometimes the message I’m taking stock of is that I was in the wrong job, or with friends who weren’t supportive of me and therefore not good for me to hang with. Other times I get to learn that I can’t successfully do so many things at once, if I want to avoid accidents big and small.

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Fear — A LIFE Vlog

Listening to the fear rise from people in so many areas of life dismays me. It seems that people are looking for excuses to blame others for their fear. I see it in politics, world news, health issues, the price of gas — you name it, people find something to be afraid of and to blame others for.

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