Transform Uncertainty, Stress, and Fear through Understanding and Action
Do you let your anxiety or fear keep you from doing something you want to do? Man, that’s the worst! Think of the adventures and experiences you miss because of that!
If you’re like me, at times you have felt life is more challenging and scary than you’d like. It doesn’t seem to matter what you do, it just doesn’t seem to work the way you want, or give you the results you seek.
You have gone through life fearing judgment or rejection. So, you hide behind a facade, or you don’t “put yourself out there” to feel safe, but that’s not rewarding.
Does the fear of the possibility of making the wrong choices stress you out? You aren’t alone.
Are you moving so fast that you find your mind and actions bouncing all over the place, sometimes slowing you down?
I’ve been in your shoes AND I have the answer for you.
There’s a better way, and I can show you the path in two hours.

Who’s This Course For?
Hi there!
I’m Kit. I’ve been walking this Transformation path for a long time. My Stress and Fear challenges are probably different from yours, but they are just as real. Through my years of coaching, I’ve come to realize that there is one common element all of my clients share. And I share that element, too. That element disguises itself in various ways, but when you look deep and get to the bottom of their issues, you find this one element. Stress — aka, Fear.
Stress and fear are at the bottom of their issues. That is true for the B&B innkeepers, real estate clients, travelers, people ordered into mediation, coaching clientele, entrepreneurs, people with ADD, and people who feel unfocused and unfulfilled — people who feel life is overwhelming them. Each situation has taught me about stress and fear.
I’ve been coaching for over 30 years now, and am an ADD Entrepreneur. I’ve struggled with feeling overbooked, pressured, uncertain, and anxious. Along the way, I’ve learned what helps me Face It To Change It to transform my stress and fear through understanding and action. I’ve also come to understand what happens when people let that stress and fear rule them, and what happens when they face it. As I have worked my way through my issues, it’s strengthened my coaching and understanding of my clients’ issues.
You can benefit from adopting the right mindset and learning the framework I’ve developed and taught to help so many people change from that feeling of being overwhelmed, stuck, immobilized, and frozen by life’s challenges to the feeling of confidence, strength, and being able to take action.
I want to do the same for you!
You’re just a click away from changing how you approach your emotions that arise from uncomfortable situations and bring that stress and fear to the forefront of your life.
So, here’s what we’re going to do together
We’re going to start you on the road to reduce the anxiety, worry, and stress in your life — at home, at work, within your family structure, on the road, and in social situations — using the unique framework I’ve developed and improved through the years.
This is a process I’ve built and refined so you don’t need to fight the emotions that disguise your stress and fear so that you can step out of their shadow. In fact, I’m finding that it helps me deal with many things I don’t want to face — but need to for a better life.
And, we are going to give you a strong handle on this in 2 hours. You can choose from various 2-hour slots. If uncertainty in life raises stress and fear in your life because of social interactions, job/career, the economy, or disturbances around the world, now is the time to learn how to deal with it! Now is the time to get your feet under you and face those emotions.
You are going to get access to me at an incredibly affordable price. My typical hourly rate starts at $250. The 120 minutes we meet to discuss the stress and fears in your life will be spent with you learning the mindset and tools you need to “deal with it” — your stress and fears so you can better understand them and take action to change your response them — makes this $67 price tag a bargain!
So, if you’re all in, take your first step toward your dream life and register now.
It’s Only Two Hours Of Your Time
Face It To Change It
2 hours to moving toward a life of Purpose and Freedom — and Joy
Value: Priceless
Your investment: $97 (only $97 for 2 hours of transformation)
So, if you’re all in, register.
Dates are:
* May 27, 2023, 2:30 pm MTT
More dates to be added later.
What My Clients Say About Working With Me In My Coaching and Workshops
Our session is already helping me look at things differently. I’ve had the most positive and upbeat days in weeks! You’ve made a huge difference in my personal outlook. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
—Theresa Dannaher, Communications Aid – Washington
This workshop is the first step on your journey to conquering your fears. Whether you are afraid of spiders or losing your job, Kit’s method gives you the first steps you need to begin addressing your fears. The conversational style of this workshop between participants and Kit takes it in unexpected directions – you could go multiple times and learn new things each time.
—Cynthia Woodbridge, Teacher & Researcher – Georgia
The course worked because of its mix of theory and practical application, both in Kit’s stories and in the stories the group members were willing to share with each other. I found Kit to be a sympathetic and compassionate listener. She was able to listen to my ramblings and find key insights into my deeper concerns. The ways that Kit identified for handling fear resonated with me about ways to handle life more broadly and in working through them with the group, I was able to develop some practical applications that I continue to use.
—Vino Kanapathipillai, Professor – United Kingdom
Would you like a much clearer idea about where your productivity blocks lie, and with solid steps to follow to overcome those blocks? I came out of Kit’s group coaching sessions with just that sort of clarity.
—Robert Allender, Energy Management Consultant – Hong Kong
Thank You for your roadmap and all you shared. I appreciate what bubbled up in me, and for the atmosphere to learn and share in the space you created and from who you are.
—Ellen Gannon, Acupressure/Shiatsu Therapist – California
Tell yourself a different story, one step at a time…
- Simplify your stories. A common mistake is that you believe the stories you tell yourself. I’ll help you see there are better stories to tell — stories that will lift your life.
- Step by step, you’ll learn and apply my 4-part formula for transforming your Fear into Action. I’ll push you hard to get this formula down pat.
- Drop expectations of how your past directs you, and your future guides you when it comes to your fears. That judgment and control won’t get you anywhere. You’ll learn how to manage your thoughts to benefit you, not control you.
- You’ll learn to tell positive stories and live in action. Feel the power and joy in that!
- Your transformation will be as big as you will let it be.
Through the 2-hour workshop, you’ll learn a tool that will help you start to gain more confidence to live your truth, and experience the joy, peace, and freedom of a fear-free life. It’s not that you won’t ever experience stress or fear again, it’s that you will have the mindset and tools to Face It To Change It to Transform Stress and Fear through Undernstanding and Action aiaded by powerful, true stories.
What Are You Waiting For?
Join me for this stress and fear transformation workshop where I’ll give you the tools you that will help you Face It To Change It and to develop the mindset that will help you transform your strcess and fear through understantding and action for a refreshing feel of freedom and the joy and success that come with that.