Stretching Your Focus

Time management intrigues me. Way back when, when I was a bed and breakfast innkeeper, I learned from a time management expert that everyone needed to block their time, and be committed to those time blocks. Since then, I’ve felt there has to be a better way. That was further reinforced when I was a real estate agent. My broker followed the advice, blocking his time — and that meant we couldn’t get his input on contracts except during specific times. That seemed just as crazy. I felt then that when you are in the service industry, time management took on a different tenor than it did for those in traditional office jobs.

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Holiday Chaos to Holiday Simplicity

The holiday season, that period of time between Thanksgiving and New Years (in my book), is filled with food and fun, parties and people, shopping and singing, and cleaning and chaos. We get so caught up in all the things to do that we forget what’s really important — spending quality time with friends and family. It’s a shame, really.

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Energy Vampires

What did you pick up from last week’s blog post on generating your own energy? You were at least reminded of things you knew to do but may have slipped out of the habit of doing. Hopefully you picked up one new habit along the way.

Another energy drain in your life is distraction. Part of the reason distraction is an energy drain is because it takes multiple, frequent decisions. Decision making burns glucose. I talked about that in the blog post “Kit, Help Me Say ‘No’” . Designing your day so that you have as few distractions as possible is more energy conserving than just going with the flow and hoping to get everything done. And that makes for a more productive day too.

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Chaos Is Like A Carousel

Carousels and chaos have so much in common, from my way of thinking. They go ’round and ’round, parts go up and down, there’s noise, and people, and moving parts — just lots going on. One difference is that people enjoy carousels but think they should rid their lives of chaos. I think that the attitude of not having chaos in your life needs to be explored.

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