You hear me talk about improving your energy levels and endurance. I connect low energy to performance, joy, clarity of thought, and engagement in life. You of course have your own thoughts about what energy means to you, and how it affects your life.
Perfect Storm
Everyone loses energy and focus, at least at some point. Even me! Here’s a recent example.
I found myself feeling a bit unproductive and unfocused, and a bit low-energy, recently. Pondering this unusual situation gave me the realization that I was feeling overwhelmed by a work project and anxious about a health situation. I love the work project, and at a conscious level I’m not distressed by the health situation. So, what’s the deal there?
The perfect storm was brewing.
A Little Change Makes a Big Investment
As I wander through life there are many interesting conversations to overhear and participate in. One that’s caught my attention lately is how hard change is. You can resist change and stay stuck in your situation, or you can grow through change and create a different reality.
The Secret to Your Energy Level
There are numerous tips and strategies you can use to generate and maintain your energy. You probably have several up your sleeve. I sure do.
As I’ve pondered why some people are energetic and others aren’t, one thing I’ve come to realize is that part of being an energetic person is having an energy attitude: The mindset of wanting to live life with vigor, work productively, and stay mentally alert. Sure, you can eat “properly”, exercise, and sleep “enough”; is that enough?
Manage Your Time, Manage Your Energy
Time management is one of the most valuable, yet overlooked, habits we have to make our days more organized, and one that contributes to a day with more energy.
The Importance of Words
A friend recently commented that the word “just” should be eradicated from one’s vocabulary. Initially that made sense to me and I was amused at how often I used it, and in how many different ways. I even wrote the last article without using the word, though it would naturally (for me) fit in so many places!
Courage: The Confidence to Master Your Fears
Courage is the confidence to do what you know you need to do, it’s doing the right thing. Courage is acting despite your fears. Confidence, or courage, is what helps you live the life you feel is best for you.
Balancing Four Vitally Important Life Factors
It’s the tiny connections in life that sometimes make the biggest impacts on our lives. And they make life interesting!
That experience happened for me recently when I heard Napoleon Hill, author of Think And Grow Rich, mention during one of his recorded lectures, something about a healthy life being created by balancing four vitally important factors. He went on to talk about how the Mayo brothers had this concept.
Holiday Chaos to Holiday Simplicity
The holiday season, that period of time between Thanksgiving and New Years (in my book), is filled with food and fun, parties and people, shopping and singing, and cleaning and chaos. We get so caught up in all the things to do that we forget what’s really important — spending quality time with friends and family. It’s a shame, really.
Get Out Of Your Own Way!
Most of my clients feel stuck — they don’t quite know which way to turn to change their lives.
Fear grips them — fear of failure, fear of not being liked, fear of being alone, and even fear of change. They have found that a new mindset, new tools, and support have helped them overcome those things that have held them back. That work has given them new thoughts, and thus new realities.