A Personal Look at Decide to Change — Your Future Depends on It

I recently wrote an article called Decide to Change, Your Future Depends on It. As a coach, I’m frequently asked, “But how do I make this change that we’re talking about?” And I eventually got to the point that I said, “Decide. Draw a line in the sand, step over it. Don’t look back. Continue forward with the new change, the decision that you just made.” It’s for your good. You want to accomplish specific things in your life, certain things, and until you change what’s holding you back, you can’t get there. And, you know, it’s easy to say. It’s not simple to do. It really takes dedication and being in charge of your mind.

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Decide to Change — Your Future Depends On It

Avoiding change is a common human trait. Common in that most people don’t like it, so they avoid it. But, what if the change is good for you? Intellectually you know you need to change something — your diet, sleep patterns, your dental hygiene, or a password — but you avoid it anyway. What’s up with that?

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More on the Freedom From Paralyzing Fear

I wanted to follow up on the article Freedom From Paralyzing Fear with a story from my life. As I talk more about Freedom From Paralyzing Fear you can apply my thoughts to your life. The whole idea is to not let fear freeze you from action and a wonderful future.

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