Searching For Meaning

Searching for meaning is a concept that has only recently, like in the past decade, had any meaning or sense of import to me. It seemed to me that life is meant to be lived and enjoyed, not explored and evaluated. Reading Viktor Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning opened my eyes to a whole new way of thinking about life. I started searching for my meaning.

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Challenge Accepted!

Do you approach challenges as something good, as a game, or as something to be avoided? Barny Stinson, a character in the TV series How I Met Your Mother loved challenges and was often heard saying “challenge accepted” as he took on some crazy challenge. That line always made me laugh. I seem to enjoy challenges, too.

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Don’t Read This Before Bed

The mastermind group that emerged from the Transform Fear Into Action class has evolved in interesting and exciting ways. Initially, the group was planning to continue working on their fear transformation, based on the core curriculum of the course. It’s grown from that, though, and now we are working on exploring our worlds with the core concept — the transformation tool — helping us look at our worlds.

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What Are Your Values?

For the longest time, I thought of values as being reserved for “right” and “wrong”. I guess with age comes wisdom because I now understand values as being the things you believe are important for your life, love, work, and play. They are part of the guidelines you use to set your priorities. Your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects are influenced by your values. They also are part of the barometer for how well you are living your life. Values reflect your integrity.

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