Will Living Longer Lives Push Earth’s Resources To The Limit?

When I was in 5th grade, a friend called me out on my littering as we walked through the field from her house to mine. She taught me that litter was my responsibility. Especially my litter. My trash scattered on the landscape detracted from its beauty — for me and everyone else looking at it.

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Don’t Read This Before Bed

The mastermind group that emerged from the Transform Fear Into Action class has evolved in interesting and exciting ways. Initially, the group was planning to continue working on their fear transformation, based on the core curriculum of the course. It’s grown from that, though, and now we are working on exploring our worlds with the core concept — the transformation tool — helping us look at our worlds.

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Driver Or Passenger?

When I worked for corporations I recognized there were workers and leaders. Both are needed to keep the cogs turning in a business. Everyone needs to work and pull their weight, only some are in the trenches all the time doing that, while others are in the trenches occasionally and out of the trenches other times so they can keep a broader perspective, and make decisions for the business.

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