People tend to fear what they don’t understand or can’t see. They so get to believing their thoughts about the situation that they then can’t imagine there is a solution, a way of overcoming the fear.
Are You Ruled By Yes?
A “Yes” response to a request tells others that you are cooperative, agreeable, and helpful. A “Yes” reaction shows enthusiasm, willingness, and drive. Well, that is at least what I grew up believing it to mean. I wanted to be all of those things so Yes was the default response to requests of and offers to me.
Fear Is Sickening
When my grandmother was diagnosed with her third kind of cancer in about 20 years, I had the epiphany that cancer comes from anger turned inward. Today I might say it’s anger that’s been buried or not dealt with. Because of her background, I knew she had lots of reasons to be angry. I loved her tremendously and wish she could have dealt with those emotions in a more constructive way, a way that wouldn’t have reduced the quality of her life.
Control Freak vs Standards
Many of my readers connected with various aspects of being a control freak that I pointed out in my article by the same name. It wasn’t surprising to hear comments about seeing how their tendencies affected them and others. Though I hear about the stress at home that’s being reported, I hadn’t stopped to think about that stress would bring out control issues: a reader pointed that out to me.
Control Freak
Oh, I loved my years as a bed and breakfast innkeeper! It combined a number of my strengths into one fabulous job. I was able to interact with and serve people, making them feel at home satisfied the hostess in me. With my team,
Did You Forget To Dream Again?
What are your reasons for not dreaming about your future, and following that dream? Are those reasons excuses? Or, is there something guiding you to not dream?
Did You Forget To Dream?
What were your dreams as a kid? You may have had more than one. What’s happened to it? When did you stop dreaming?
Keep Your Values Intact: stay strong
I recently wrote an article, Keep Your Values Intact. Interestingly. When I started the article it was about how we settle, settling out of fear. We settle for how we let others treat us, how we don’t stand up for our rights, ourselves, and our beliefs.
Keep Your Values Intact: don’t settle
As a senior in high school, I learned a lesson about fear, though I couldn’t have told you that was what the lesson was at the time. And the fear was buried within a symptom we usually don’t think to associate with fear.
More on the Freedom From Paralyzing Fear
I wanted to follow up on the article Freedom From Paralyzing Fear with a story from my life. As I talk more about Freedom From Paralyzing Fear you can apply my thoughts to your life. The whole idea is to not let fear freeze you from action and a wonderful future.