Freedom From Paralyzing Fear

In Northern Ireland, there’s a rope bridge that goes from the mainland near the Giant’s Causeway to the tiny island of Carrickarede. When I visited there I was excited to cross the bridge to “get to the other side”. All I knew about it when I decided to go is what I’ve told you so far. It sounded like a fun adventure.

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One of the lessons I’ve learned through my life has been brought home as I’ve walked my Caminos: Simplify. While I think it’s a great lesson to learn and practice any time of year, this holiday season seems particularly appropriate to put it into play.

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Integration and Alignment

Something’s not quite right – like things are out of sorts. But what? While you love your life from personal to professional, sometimes you feel you aren’t connecting with people the way you want, and they misunderstand you. The challenge is to figure it out. But how?

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