To get you to your goals in life, what elements will you add, and not let anything or anyone take you off course. That can be a big challenge, especially if your goal isn’t strong or well anchored.
Hate Is a Powerful Word
Transformation is inspired from any number of directions, and sometimes from surprising places within you. That’s been true for me. One such transformation was an interesting experience, maybe because it was internally motivated.
Go Cold Turkey
You have habits that serve you well and helped you create the amazing life you have. Undoubtedly, you have habits that don’t serve you and hold you back from having more of an amazing life than you do. Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have habits that held you back? I think so, too. The solution? Stop them. Quit. You have habits that serve you well and helped you create the amazing life you have. Undoubtedly, you have habits that don’t serve you and hold you back from having more of an amazing life than you do. Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have habits that held you back? I think so, too. The solution? Stop them. Quit.
Perfect Storm
Everyone loses energy and focus, at least at some point. Even me! Here’s a recent example.
I found myself feeling a bit unproductive and unfocused, and a bit low-energy, recently. Pondering this unusual situation gave me the realization that I was feeling overwhelmed by a work project and anxious about a health situation. I love the work project, and at a conscious level I’m not distressed by the health situation. So, what’s the deal there?
The perfect storm was brewing.
Get Out Of Your Own Way!
Most of my clients feel stuck — they don’t quite know which way to turn to change their lives.
Fear grips them — fear of failure, fear of not being liked, fear of being alone, and even fear of change. They have found that a new mindset, new tools, and support have helped them overcome those things that have held them back. That work has given them new thoughts, and thus new realities.
How To Get More: Time
It seems the more technology we have as time-saving tools, the less time we have! Why is that? Is it that the technology isn’t so time-saving? Or, could it be that fill up our “spare time” with more and more?