Stretching Your Focus

Time management intrigues me. Way back when, when I was a bed and breakfast innkeeper, I learned from a time management expert that everyone needed to block their time, and be committed to those time blocks. Since then, I’ve felt there has to be a better way. That was further reinforced when I was a real estate agent. My broker followed the advice, blocking his time — and that meant we couldn’t get his input on contracts except during specific times. That seemed just as crazy. I felt then that when you are in the service industry, time management took on a different tenor than it did for those in traditional office jobs.

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The Music of Life

If you know my story at all, you know that my ADD was managed until about 20 years ago by living a structured life. In blending my life with my husband’s, I shifted to an unstructured life — though that’s not what I saw it as at the time. Slowly my life started crumbling and I found myself thinking that I needed to incorporate structure back into my life. I sensed my life was better when it was structured.

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