Your Resiliency Toolbox

You’ll hear about many ways to make and keep your resilience strong. You hear about the value of community, consistent routines for self-care, and setting goals. Those are all valuable and when you use them all, they make for a good foundation to keep you resilient in the face of adversity and challenges. Part of the message is to develop good mental health.

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Getting Rid of Fear?

“You can’t get rid of all of your fear.” That was a comment made by one of my clients after concluding my class, Transform Fear Into Action. That’s an interesting perspective, and my class isn’t about getting rid of all fear, but rather it’s about working on the fears holding you back. But for others thinking the same thing, let’s walk through this challenge.

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Calvin Ball

How many of your childhood games do you play as an adult? Do you remember many of those games? There’s one I love, though I didn’t play much as a kid and don’t as an adult either — Pin the Tail on Donkey. You know the game: There’s a picture of a tailless donkey that gets attached to the wall. The player is blindfolded, handed a paper picture of a tail with a pin attached, spun around, pointed toward the wall the donkey is on, and encouraged to pin the tail to the donkey. A basic game with simple rules.,

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Knowing Your Truth — more thought on The How

I’ve been talking in my articles and some videos lately about knowing your truth, speaking your truth. First, it was speaking your truth, and I had some people respond to that with, “But what if you don’t know what your truth is, what your feelings are?” And I’m equating truth and feelings for this video.

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Working From The Heart

I was talking with a ranching neighbor of mine the other day. He’s a great guy with a permanent smile on his face despite the hard work he puts in. Driving by his place, I always see him out working on things — cutting, bailing, and stacking hay; moving cattle from one pasture to another — or down the road in an old-fashioned cattle drive; fixing fences and tending the irrigation. Ranching is a lot of hard work. He uses horses and dogs to drive the cattle, and sometimes he uses ATVs, too. During our call, he commented that ranching is all he’s ever wanted to do. He added, “I’m not getting rich, but I’m living my ideal life.” I call that working from the heart.

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