As a little girl, I didn’t like the carrots we had. Maybe they were old and I didn’t know what fresh carrots tasted like, but I didn’t enjoy eating them. Knowing they were good for me, to get them down, I dipped them in Miracle Whip (I didn’t know about mayonnaise until I was an adult). Eating Brussel sprouts required a similar approach: doused in melted butter with cashews. I’m so glad I love eating carrots and Brussel sprouts today — without their “sugarcoating” to make them palatable.
Finding Your Balance With Embracing Surprise
This week’s article is about embracing surprise. Fortunately for me, I enjoy surprises. It started when I was in grade school, it might have been my sixth birthday. My parents woke me up out of a sound sleep and said, “It’s your birthday. Go find your birthday present.” And in my sleepy stupor stage, I walked around and around the house, walked past the pile of gifts four or five times before they finally gave up and said, “Here they are.” — I had a good time.
Embrace Surprise
Embracing surprise is not for the faint-hearted. There is opportunity in surprise, for those who are open enough to look for it and see it. Sometimes it takes curiosity to find it, but opportunity is almost there. The question is, how will you respond to the surprises and opportunities that roll into your life?
Other Aspects of Your Resiliency Toolbox to Consider
I recently wrote an article called Your Resiliency Toolbox. In that article, I discussed the various, myriad ways you can maintain your resiliency, your emotional strength and power, and some of the differences of what helps you not thrive versus thrive beautifully.
Your Resiliency Toolbox
You’ll hear about many ways to make and keep your resilience strong. You hear about the value of community, consistent routines for self-care, and setting goals. Those are all valuable and when you use them all, they make for a good foundation to keep you resilient in the face of adversity and challenges. Part of the message is to develop good mental health.
More thoughts on Knowing Your Why
It’s interesting to me where I see and hear people talking about knowing your Why. Brené Brown was talking about it in a podcast recently. I was in a mastermind meeting the other day and one of the other participants started talking about it
Free To Live Your WHY
The first time I remember hearing someone ponder what their purpose was, or why they were on Earth, I was a sophomore in college. One of my roommates was ruminating on the subject, and in a heavy tone tossed her ideas out into the room. The others in the room jumped right in to discuss her thoughts. I hung back.
Getting Rid of Fear — more thoughts on the subject
I’m using this video to continue processing and sharing my thoughts about the article, Getting Rid of Fear, which came about when a client who had just finished the course, Transform Fear Into Action, said, “You can’t get rid of all fear.”
Getting Rid of Fear?
“You can’t get rid of all of your fear.” That was a comment made by one of my clients after concluding my class, Transform Fear Into Action. That’s an interesting perspective, and my class isn’t about getting rid of all fear, but rather it’s about working on the fears holding you back. But for others thinking the same thing, let’s walk through this challenge.
Calvin Ball — more thoughts about rules, but in the kitchen
I recently wrote an article about following rules and breaking rules. About knowing that sometimes rules are meant to be broken or bent, and in other times they’re meant to be followed strictly and carefully. There are often good reasons for rules, and often rules are just tradition. And advancements can maybe be better made when you bend and break the rules, create your own new rules.