It’s interesting to me where I see and hear people talking about knowing your Why. Brené Brown was talking about it in a podcast recently. I was in a mastermind meeting the other day and one of the other participants started talking about it
Free To Live Your WHY
The first time I remember hearing someone ponder what their purpose was, or why they were on Earth, I was a sophomore in college. One of my roommates was ruminating on the subject, and in a heavy tone tossed her ideas out into the room. The others in the room jumped right in to discuss her thoughts. I hung back.
Getting Rid of Fear — more thoughts on the subject
I’m using this video to continue processing and sharing my thoughts about the article, Getting Rid of Fear, which came about when a client who had just finished the course, Transform Fear Into Action, said, “You can’t get rid of all fear.”
Getting Rid of Fear?
“You can’t get rid of all of your fear.” That was a comment made by one of my clients after concluding my class, Transform Fear Into Action. That’s an interesting perspective, and my class isn’t about getting rid of all fear, but rather it’s about working on the fears holding you back. But for others thinking the same thing, let’s walk through this challenge.
Calvin Ball — more thoughts about rules, but in the kitchen
I recently wrote an article about following rules and breaking rules. About knowing that sometimes rules are meant to be broken or bent, and in other times they’re meant to be followed strictly and carefully. There are often good reasons for rules, and often rules are just tradition. And advancements can maybe be better made when you bend and break the rules, create your own new rules.
Calvin Ball
How many of your childhood games do you play as an adult? Do you remember many of those games? There’s one I love, though I didn’t play much as a kid and don’t as an adult either — Pin the Tail on Donkey. You know the game: There’s a picture of a tailless donkey that gets attached to the wall. The player is blindfolded, handed a paper picture of a tail with a pin attached, spun around, pointed toward the wall the donkey is on, and encouraged to pin the tail to the donkey. A basic game with simple rules.,
Knowing Your Truth — more thought on The How
I’ve been talking in my articles and some videos lately about knowing your truth, speaking your truth. First, it was speaking your truth, and I had some people respond to that with, “But what if you don’t know what your truth is, what your feelings are?” And I’m equating truth and feelings for this video.
Knowing Your Truth: The How
A few readers said they don’t know what their truth is. They weren’t connected to their feelings and didn’t know why they needed to be. What then?
Knowing Your Truth — more thought on The Why
I’ve been talking about — in various articles — speaking your truth and from my perspective, your truth is your feelings, your collection of feelings. And expressing those feelings, I think, is important in living a more balanced, whole life. What surprised me, was that I had in my conversations some people say to me, “But what if you don’t know what your truth is? What if you don’t know what your feelings are?”
Knowing Your Truth: The Why
Recently, I wrote about speaking your truth. But, what if you don’t know what your truth is, which is the case with some of my clients? Maybe you don’t know how you feel. What then? Do you really need to know how you feel?