After walking the Camino de Santiago, I came to see that Life is like the Camino. On the Camino, I had diverse experiences, met wonderful people, faced challenges, and saw things I never expected. Part of my secret sauce for making my Camino memorable was bringing joy to every aspect.
Are You Having Fun Yet?
It keeps hitting home with me that as we get older we quit playing and having fun. Especially compared to what we did as children. The adults I see in life seem miserable, in the big scheme of things. They take life so seriously, even when they do play. I see them rebuff the jokesters and kidders; either they don’t get the joke or harumph at the silliness. Oh, not all of them, but too many of them. I sure wish they’d join in on the fun.
Why Age At All
Watching my friend revel in her granddaughter lifts my spirits and energy. She is enthralled with her granddaughter’s energy, inquisitiveness, determination, resilience, and sense of fun and adventure. You can see her spirit and energy go up as she looks and listens, too.
Finding Your Balance With Embracing Surprise
This week’s article is about embracing surprise. Fortunately for me, I enjoy surprises. It started when I was in grade school, it might have been my sixth birthday. My parents woke me up out of a sound sleep and said, “It’s your birthday. Go find your birthday present.” And in my sleepy stupor stage, I walked around and around the house, walked past the pile of gifts four or five times before they finally gave up and said, “Here they are.” — I had a good time.
Other Aspects of Your Resiliency Toolbox to Consider
I recently wrote an article called Your Resiliency Toolbox. In that article, I discussed the various, myriad ways you can maintain your resiliency, your emotional strength and power, and some of the differences of what helps you not thrive versus thrive beautifully.