Resistance Lies

During my first Camino walk, I encountered a range of challenges, challenges that I overcame with hardly a thought. I’d prepared myself well for the 500-mile walk and knew I had all that I needed to have a successful pilgrimage. To be specific, I had prepared with months of planning and training, had good health and endurance, good gear, and a good attitude.

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Resistance Is Futile!

“Resistance is Futile”, as Star Trek’s Borg love to say. I don’t buy it. It sure feels that way at times, though. I think there’s something more than the Borg taking over my mind to make me part of the collective. It’s not so much that if I don’t resist I’ll become part of the collective as I’ll quit being my best self.

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Lover, Liker, Loather

I’ve decided to be a Lover.

My trip through “ScIreland” was a delight. And I knew the people I interacted with and I were divided by a common language. There were differences in Belfast, for example, not only because of the language differences but also because of the cultural differences. People who have been divided by war — or The Troubles — see life and the world differently than I do. There were differences even between the Catholic and Protestant sections of town. For example, graffiti in the Catholic section wasn’t acceptable while it was almost encouraged in the Protestant section.

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The Music of Life

If you know my story at all, you know that my ADD was managed until about 20 years ago by living a structured life. In blending my life with my husband’s, I shifted to an unstructured life — though that’s not what I saw it as at the time. Slowly my life started crumbling and I found myself thinking that I needed to incorporate structure back into my life. I sensed my life was better when it was structured.

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How Do You Perceive Your Purpose?

The story of the bricklayers moved me. Have you heard this story? Let me tell it to make sure we’re talking about the same story.

A visitor came across a bricklayer hard at work. The visitor asked what the bricklayer was doing. “I’m stacking bricks”, came the answer.

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The Power of Words

Words are powerful. They create images in our minds, feelings in our hearts; they can transport us to another time or place, they can build us up or tear us down. The language we use is important. It shapes attitudes and beliefs. Word usage intrigues me.

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A Non-Binary World

One of my early favorite jokes was “What’s black and white and read all over?” You have to hear it to really appreciate the silliness of it. The answer is “A newspaper”, if you don’t remember this old, bad joke. Part of what I love about jokes is how they open you to so many choices — options and possibilities for solutions. I love having options!

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