Take Back Your Power

I deserve better than this! What the heck! It’s time to take back my power and be responsible. It’s time to live into my best self.

About now you’re wondering what I’m talking about, right? My eating habits.

I’ve fallen into the habit of eating because food tastes good, not because I’m hungry. I’ve forgone fasting of any sort. I had been doing intermittent fasting for the health benefits that go well beyond controlling calorie intake. The small consolation is that at least I’m eating a healthy diet — if eating too much can be included in healthy. <grin>

Food is for nourishment. Food is for healing. Food is for pleasure. Food is not for therapy. I think that’s what I have been using it as — therapy. Poor therapy at that.

One thing that bothers me about this unbridled eating is that having healthy habits is important to me. I feel strongly that a healthy diet contributes to a healthy, long life. I want that for myself.

Another problem I have with this food issue is that it reflects my lack of responsibility to myself and my goals. I feel I had lost integrity with myself. Ugh! I’m not being my best self when I’m not in charge of my mind and my actions. Being in charge means I control my actions and don’t let them run rampant.

My self-control had gotten so bad that I’d even allowed “white powders”, as a couple of associates and I fondly refer to sugar and wheat flour. Yep. Sugar-free Kit fell off the wagon. It took a conversation with these two new friends to get back on the sugar-free and grain-free wagons. I’m so grateful to them. No judgment. All support. I’m a month back on the wagon. Thanks, Lex and Tripp!

As far as the other food issues, I laid down the law to myself. Enough! I started back onto my healthy eating regime by fasting for 24 hours. I carefully portioned my first meal so that I quit eating when I quit feeling hungry. Then I fasted for 16 hours and broke fast with another small meal. My theory is that by shrinking my stomach as I break my bad eating habits that when I resume with a regular eating schedule, I’ll be under control.

My regular eating schedule is going to be different from yours. I’ve learned through the years that my body is healthiest and happiest when I eat two meals per day. Brunch and “dunch” are my two best meals. Eating meals heavy in produce and protein, and moderate in fat, keep my body and brain working in first-rate order.

A friend of mine lost a lot of weight several years ago by restricting his calorie intake to 1,000 calories per day. I was impressed with his willpower and success. I think the way I can follow in his footsteps is to create menus for myself that will help me make sure I’m not eating too much, and that I’m eating the right things for me.

Are you ready to be responsible for your actions and dreams? It’s something you need to get under control to ensure you’re living the life you want.

What habits are you following that are undermining your success in reaching your goals? If you find yourself thinking you deserve better than you are getting, what are you willing to do to step up to the plate (excuse the pun) and step into your best self?

Join me in making a plan and taking action. Today.

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