Living My Three Words

The evolution of “my three words” has been fun to watch. Your three words describe how you want to be seen by others, and who you are or want to be. Do you know your three words? Close your eyes, breathe in and out a few times, and see what three words come to you.

Various business courses and coaches have walked me through the adult version of what kind of animal you are — what are your three words. The essence of my three words has stayed the same through the years. In a recent group coaching call I had the opportunity to talk with my coach about my three words and why they are important to me. It was a good conversation.

In some ways becoming aware of my words started when I was in high school. The young teens church group had Sunday night meetings where we discussed issues of importance to us and explored who we were as young people. One night we played a game to help us better share who we thought we were with the group. The game was called What Kind of Animal Are You? My animal was “puppy”: I was playful, energetic, and eager to please. It was a good way for me to start seeing how I present myself.

My three words are Joyous, Energetic, and Engaged. See the connection with my business? See the connection to the animal I chose oh so many years ago?

Joyous is important to me because I see there’s lots of stuff to be upset about in life, and letting those things upset you, unbalance you — throw off your equilibrium — makes life a downer. I see no reason to live life that way. There’s actually lots to be happy about too, if you look for it and embrace it. That’s my choice.

I also see that I can make a difference in the world one person at a time. The people I interact with pick up the mood or energy I exhibit. And those people can make a difference one person at a time, sharing their mood and energy. That pattern continues “forever”. So, if I share my joy with those around me, they become more joyous and spread that beyond my immediate circle of influence. The whole world gets a bit more joyous.

To help me maintain my joy I refuse to consume news. I know bits will filter through so that I’ll be aware of some things going on, at least eventually. I also know that if I actively consume news it’ll be challenging to maintain my joy. I see no value in consuming news, at least the way it’s presented today. If I can’t fix it, why pay attention to it? One way I can fix the sadness in the world is to be joyous.

There’s lots to do in my life and it seems to me the best way to tackle it is with spirit. I’ll get more done with more enjoyment by being energized. The energy and joy go together nicely, making each day satisfying and productive. My life consists of work and play, service and rest, and learning and sharing. It’s a great balance for me, and I want to make sure I get as much of all of that done as possible.

To maintain my strength I strive to keep these elements balanced in my life: eat healthy foods, meditate, sleep 7-8 hours each night, hydrate, and exercise. When these things get off-kilter I have to work harder to stay energetic. My life is more regimented than many others I know, but it works for me. I have high expectations of myself and I have to subscribe to the “life elements” to meet those expectations.

Some of my vitality comes from my attitude, and some comes from the life elements. It’s a good thing I have my attitude of energy because even with intention and dedication to living those life elements I fall short regularly.

My community service of being an EMT and deputy coroner interrupt my sleep cycle at times, meaning I have to make up those lost hours. That cuts into my exercise time. Sometimes even my meditation time gets pinched, and that impacts my stamina lots. When I let my diet suffer I suffer the most, or maybe it seems that way because everything else is so out of whack. It’s easier for me to live a more regimented life than to play catch up. Being energized is being balanced, for me.

This word has become increasingly important to me because when I’m with people I want to be connected with them. I find there are so many ways to be miss that connection with people, and that seems like a shame. If I’m not engaged I’m missing out on what they have to offer, to my loss. If I’m not engaged I’m not sharing my joy or energy, to the world’s loss.

I spend a lot of time alone so have plenty of time to be in my head, do my research, and pursue my own interests. That may be part of the struggle I face — shifting gears so that when I’m with people I’m available to them.

Technology is one of my big attention and focus thieves. Being self-employed I’m able to leave the office as much as I do because I can be contacted by phone, text, and email so I can tend to business needs without being in the office. I also have aging parents who I want to be accessible to. Wanting to be engaged with people, though, requires I set limits and draw boundaries so the technology doesn’t steal my attention from the people I’ve chosen to spend time with.

Engagement is important to me because that’s what connects me to the people in my life, the people that make life valuable. This is the word I want to live up to, this is the word I most struggle with. I’m much better than I was a few years ago about being technology focused or inwardly focused. I want to be still better though.

What are your three words? Why are they important to you? Do they reflect who you are, or who you want to be? Do the people in your life see you the same way?

I guess these questions are ways of asking if you are living the life you want. Are you willing to identify what that life is and take steps to live it?

I lay the challenge before you: live your three words.

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