My mom was diligent about feeding us a balanced lunch and dinner. Lunch was at school because she felt that the sandwiches she would have made wouldn’t be as healthy as the hot lunches cooked and served. My classmates and I always made up names for the different foods, trying to gross each other out (cherry cobbler became known as Baby Bird Eyes, for example). The food nourished our bodies and imaginations.
Life is What You Make It
Have you ever noticed that some people are happy, regardless of what is going on around them? And have you noticed, on the flip side, that some people are unhappy no matter what?
Brain Fitness
I’m smarter now than I was as a kid and young adult. And I’m more youthful now than before too. Are you?
My Path to Purpose
My college roommate fretted endlessly about what her purpose in life was. She was driven to understand why she was on this planet. In sharp contrast to her drive was my seeming indifference to why I was here. It never occurred to me to think about my purpose. I didn’t seem to need one. I was just here, doing my thing.
The Power of Labels
You define your world with labels. You define those around you with labels. You define yourself with labels. Labels are powerful — be careful how you use them: they can make or break your attitude and energy.
The Calorie Forest
“You can’t see the forest for the trees” is an old idiom that roughly means you are looking at the small details so closely you are missing the bigger picture. Do you ever do that?
One such issue that fits in this category is the discussion about calories. “A calorie is a calorie” is often the opening salvo. The sides in the conversation tend to be dieters and scientist-types. It seems that positions get entrenched about whether a calorie is a calorie, or if they are “different kinds” of calories.
Energy Ripples
Have you ever noticed that at least sometimes your mood or energy level can start to match that of the people you are around? Sometimes that effect is called Crowd Mentality. Sometimes that feels like it’s you getting in sync with family or coworkers, but often it may feel as if you are being manipulated or controlled by the crowd.
Energy Sucks
Some days suck. When they suck days in a row your energy really sags.
Is that your experience?
Staying Energetic Through Retirement
My grandfather started dying they day he retired.
He’d been an active man, active all his life. He had helped his dad homestead as a kid, been in the Navy for WWI, and worked as a mechanic, carpenter, and miner during his adult life. He and grandma hunted and fished on weekends and for vacation. He was an energetic man.
Energize Me! Workshop Lessons
“I knew everything you talked about. I’d just never thought to apply any of that information to my low-energy situation!”
Those were the words voiced by a 100-year old woman after my first Energize Me! workshop. As we talked further she went on to say that she actually had learned some things, like the energizing techniques, but that the basic information was familiar to her.