Energy Ripples

Have you ever noticed that at least sometimes your mood or energy level can start to match that of the people you are around? Sometimes that effect is called Crowd Mentality. Sometimes that feels like it’s you getting in sync with family or coworkers, but often it may feel as if you are being manipulated or controlled by the crowd.

We can see it at sporting events, for example. A few don’t like the way the game is going and they let their feelings be known. And a few more pick up the cry (or whine, as the case may be), and it spreads. The mood changes. Fights break out, things are thrown, words are spewed — it gets ugly.

It’s not just “ugly” moods that spread through Crowd Mentality. I’ve seen riots start because “their” team won! Frankly, I call riots for any reason an ugly event, but they don’t necessarily come out of anger. They come about because a few people led the way and their thoughts caught on.

That “catching on” is an intriguing social phenomenon. Marketing companies take advantage of that phenomenon to get people to buy their products, to vote for their candidate, or adopt their fashion statement.

This isn’t an article about Crowd Mentality, though. This is an article about how you can change the world through the ripple effect. Specifically, energy ripples.

Challenge: you be the “energy pebble” that causes ripples in your pond, among your tribe.

It’s my observation that a vast majority of the US population is energy depleted, dragging. That seems like a shame to me. I know there are several of us who can do something about that, even in our own, small ways.

We do change the world by the way we carry ourselves, the way we present ourselves. If you want your world to be more energized, more optimistic, more compassionate then that’s how you have to be. It starts with you.

Smiles are great analogies for energy ripples. You can see them in action.

You don’t have to do anything more than be yourself — your energetic, optimistic, compassionate self with a smile on your face. As you move about through your day, the people you encounter and the people you interact with will absorb some amount of your energy, and change even a little bit. They aren’t stealing your energy, they are responding to your energy.

As they are changed they become energy pebbles, spreading that goodness through their lives, their ponds.

Everyone changes the world with their presence, so why not make that change for the better? Start with yourself. Work at being the best you possible. Beginning with a strong energy is a perfect foundation. From there comes your optimism and compassion. From there comes your smile and your good deeds.

Begin each day with bountiful energy, energy that you generate. Keep that energy strong. Know that you cause ripples you are probably unaware of as you go about your day.

Be an energy pebble and watch the world become a better place ripple at a time. Generate energy ripples.

4 thoughts on “Energy Ripples”

  1. I like this article Kit. Thank you. Just read it on Sunday, March 27 around 12:45. “Energy ripples” is a fun (and so accurate) way to look at what you are teaching.

    • Thanks for reading the article, and sharing your reaction, Janet.

      It’s fun to find new ways to share my thoughts about living an energized life. As came out in the Energize Me! workshop yesterday, energy isn’t about doing more. Energy is about having the fuel or power to do the things you want to do in life, whether it’s producing something, reading, or driving/traveling. I think of this energy as the motivation to do what’s needed. It’s overcoming fatigue and boredom. It’s a tool to help you make more of your life, and to enjoy your life — regardless of what you are doing at the moment.

      You are a power plant. I want to help you tune your power plant so that it gives you all the energy you need at any given moment.

      Ripple on…..!

  2. Want to have a nice day? One of my favorite thing to do when I go shopping is to engage anyone coming toward me. I look them right in the eye and smile, don’t have to say a word. Almost always their faces light up and the smile will be returned, sometimes with a little greeting. Then both of us go forward with a happy feeling in our hearts.

    Ripple on!!!

    • Linda, what a great way to ripple through life! Thanks for sharing that.

      Do you smile at “panhandlers” too? I’ve started that, and need to focus more on the reaction. If I’m driving it’s harder to make that eye contact and watch their reactions, but at least I left the smile for them.


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