Energy: Action Beyond Yourself

You can do all the right things with adopting an energy attitude and have a wonderfully energetic life. And then you can put energy into action and boost your energy level. When you go beyond yourself — with friends and family, at work, in service, and in accountability to yourself and others — you go beyond a standard energy level. Boosting your energy level helps you live into your best self and up to (or beyond) your potential.

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Energy: Adopt The Attitude

The food you eat makes a big impact on your energy level. Sugar isn’t the answer, though it provides a temporary energy boost it also provides a long-term energy crash. Adopt a healthy lifestyle to keep your energy strong, to support the healing of your ADD symptoms, and to support a healthy body. A healthy lifestyle (diet of whole foods, a ban of processed foods – esp with food colors, 8 hours of sleep, and water), movement, and fun are some of the keys to maintaining high energy.

In the video I didn’t mention how energizing meditation is, but it’s indeed true. Meditation is especially valuable for people with ADD.

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Clarity: Deterrent And Recovery

Do you get overwhelmed by too much input — crowds, flashing lights or signs, noise, and even piles? Is your life is nicely organized, or do you have piles of papers/clothes/dirty dishes about, or do you have un-started or unfinished projects, or do you have some flavor of a chaotic life? You can gain insight about what too much input can do to you. This has been an issue for me much of my life, though I only recently saw it for what it is. Overwhelm dislodges clarity in my experience. Do you miss the Big Red Neon Arrow directing you, or not see your best friend in a crowd, or think clearly when rushed? Overwhelm may be your enemy here. Here are some thoughts about the ADD reaction to, and recovery from, too much input. There are pointers for one way to manage this kind of ADD issue.

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Clarity: Kid In A Candy Store

Decisiveness is a powerful trait, and yearned for by many — especially for those who don’t have that characteristic. Indecisiveness can wreck havoc on your life, keeping you from living into your best self, living up to your potential, and keeping you stuck or frozen in a quandary of choices. Learn how to get Clarity and to become decisive, mastering, or better managing, this particular ADD (AD/HD) characteristic or trait. I talk about how you can handle decisions and choices by better managing your indecisiveness. This has been an issue for me for essentially all of my life, and probably the first indication of my ADD. Clarity, Energy, and Mindfulness are three of the keys to my high performance coaching, and your ADD Management. Through personal and shared stories you can learn more about AD/HD symptoms and solutions. Are you like a kid in a candy store?

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The Importance Of Dealing With ADD

What a surprising reaction I’ve gotten to my videos. Tune in to hear my thoughts on the reaction of professionals to what I’m doing. I’m going to share reactions from four educators who talked to me this weekend about their reaction to my videos and focus on AD/HD and high performance coaching.

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Why Are Habits Hard To Re-establish?

All questions this time. When there’s a change in your habits and routines, why do struggle getting them back? Why does a change in routine cause you to change a habit? What tips, tricks, or techniques do you have for staying on your habits? Or getting back on them readily when you fall off? Habits are part of a high performance life. Awareness of the problem is the first step to correcting a situation.

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Take It Easy!

It’s as important to take it easy through the day as it is to move frequently through the day. It clears your mind and helps you change pace and focus so you can refuel in a different way. Meditation is one great way to take it easy — a great way to clear your mind and set your intention for the day. Relaxing is vital for people with ADD to help them slow their overly active minds. Relaxing — taking it easy, chilling — is an important part of a high performance life because it helps you be more of who you want to be.

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Move It!

It’s acknowledged that elements of a healthy life include a nutritious diet, good sleep, and exercise. An overlooked element of a healthy life is frequent movement. Move your body frequently through the day for a more supple and strong body, for adequately fueled and nourished muscles and brain, and for a better outlook on life. This is especially helpful for people with ADD, people who want to be productive, and anyone who wants to live a long and healthy life. Make it frequent and make it fun!

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