Clarity: Deterrent And Recovery

Do you get overwhelmed by too much input — crowds, flashing lights or signs, noise, and even piles? Is your life is nicely organized, or do you have piles of papers/clothes/dirty dishes about, or do you have un-started or unfinished projects, or do you have some flavor of a chaotic life? You can gain insight about what too much input can do to you. This has been an issue for me much of my life, though I only recently saw it for what it is. Overwhelm dislodges clarity in my experience. Do you miss the Big Red Neon Arrow directing you, or not see your best friend in a crowd, or think clearly when rushed? Overwhelm may be your enemy here. Here are some thoughts about the ADD reaction to, and recovery from, too much input. There are pointers for one way to manage this kind of ADD issue.

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