Mindful Communication

People want to be heard and understood, though that’s not always clear from their words and actions.

The best way to accomplish that is to actively listen, ask clarifying questions along the way. The trick is to ask about their feelings by reflecting back what you hear and see. This isn’t the time to offer your opinions or feelings. Stay focused on their feelings until they don’t have anything more to say. You’ll feel the shift in energy, the clue they feel heard and understood.

After people feel heard and understood they can proceed with the business at hand, be that change or the reason for being with you.


The C-Word

How committed are you to your dreams, goals, and purpose? Will you give up plans you’ve made when your Purpose needs your attention?

When my Camino walking partner chose her Purpose over her plans to walk the Camino I was struck by her dedication to that Purpose. I pondered: if I were as committed to building my business and spreading my word about high performance living and the gift of ADD, would my Purpose be reached? My conclusion was…Yes.

When you put your goal, your Purpose, before anything else, that’s commitment. Do you have what it takes to be that committed?


Massive Action

Action overcomes all that holds me back in life. Taking action moves me forward.  Taking Massive Action propels me toward my goals. That’s what I did when I made the decision to postpone my Pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago. After planning and training for a year and a half my initial reaction was to wonder what I was going to do next! That reaction lasted seconds, maybe minutes.

First, I called my walking friends and suggested a long walk. Second, I contacted all the people in charge of the speaking opportunities I was missing when I was going to be on the Camino (and quickly was accepted in one event). Third, I started polishing my presentation that I’d be using for at least two of those events. I took massive action and am having massive results.

Fourth, I did my Spanish class for the day.  🙂  I’ll keep training for my postponed Camino so I’m ready when it’s time.

What massive action toward your goals can you take in your life?


Kit, Not On The Camino

Tough decisions have to be made sometimes. How do you handle those situations?

The proactive approach is to do something that supports your heart, soul, and mind. Since I wasn’t going to be walking the Camino de Santiago during September and October, as planned for a year and a half, I decided to invite my walking friends to go walking with me for a day. That was a great step, so to speak, to take to help me get past the dramatic change in my plans.


Rewire Your Brain

Synapses that fire together wire together. That’s a powerful statement that is going to make a big difference in your life. Watch as I spin two seemingly contradictory concepts – gratitude and complaining — together for you to use in your focused and energetic life using that statement.

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Jean Luc Picard — the Captain of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation — had some great phrases that I love as guiding lights for our lives. “Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.” is one. “Make it so.” is another. My favorite, “Engage.”, has such diverse uses, all to me seem positive and action oriented. Key point.

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Butterflies Are Freeing

Fear of public speaking is supposedly greater than the fear of death. Driving narrow mountain roads feels like death, according to some I hear talking (we have some doozies near us). I don’t find either terrifying, but have felt the butterflies that come with being on stage.

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Liberating Choices

Do you realize that every thing is a choice? Every action, every thought — it is all up to you. You always have options. Always. Even when you don’t like the choices or the ramifications of those choices.

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Empowering Yourself Through Mindful Balance

The business Live in Focused Energy was created to help people live more fulfilling, productive lives by creating balance with all aspects of their lives. My intuition told me that mindfulness was a critical component of gaining that balance and life control. Things I’ve learned studying about ADD have supported that intuition.

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The Creative ADDer

Creativity is one hallmark of ADD — and another of the reasons I call ADD/ADHD a gift. The best part is that creativity isn’t limited to the arts! Creating something new, be it for science, technology, gardening, cooking, music, acting, sculpting, or painting, is creativity. Creativity is the ability to generate new or better ways of doing things, connecting “dots” that weren’t connected before, and thinking outside the box to solve problems. That’s a big part of what entrepreneurs are fueled by.

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