Guiding Wisdom From Nursery Rhymes?

Wisdom and truth are often buried in fables, nursery rhymes, and cartoons. I found some wisdom tucked into two nursery rhymes for today. This wisdom can help you through the COVID-19 lockdown or any challenge in your life. All you have to do is think about it and apply the lessons to yourself and your situation.

Imagine what Humpty Dumpty and Jack be Nimble have to teach you! It might be surprising to you that they can. Tune in to hear what I extracted from those oldies.

I gave my own twist to translating how you can use the rhymes in your life to improve your situation.

Find a way of making your situation less precarious, to make it more stable and comfortable is the lesson from Humpty Dumpty.

Strive to be nimble in responding to situations in your life — personal and business. You just never know how valuable it could be to be quick.



Video Transcript

I’m Kit Cassingham of Live in Focused Energy. I just recently heard reference to two nursery rhymes that kind of struck me as light ways of looking at how we survive this COVID lockdown and the changes that will have happened in society because of COVID, COVID 19 to be specific.

The first nursery rhyme is Humpty Dumpty. And if you know the nursery rhyme you know it goes, depending on which version you know, “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.”

I decided to do a little research to find out what the message was. Well, it depends on which era of when it was recited and the meanings of the day. So today I’m gonna suggest that Humpty Dumpty is you and me in our situation in life. And being perched up on the wall, sitting on a wall, indicates were kind of in an insecure or precarious position. So, rather than fall and not be able to be put back together, I suggest that we find ways of getting more secure. It’s too late perhaps to take care of the past — well it’s too late to take care of the past, of course — but we can always start today in finding a new way to live our life, be it personal, job, financial — any number of arenas. We can create a more secure position for ourselves. So there’s my first Nursery Rhyme to help you think about yourself in your situation. And even if you’re kind of in the pits right now, there are ways you can change things to lift your position.

The other nursery rhyme is Jack be Nimble. And that one goes “Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the candlestick.” And it goes on from there. And again depending on the era when it was popular, translations range all over the place from the Pirate Black Jack to just people in general. And candlesticks kind of indicated fortune-telling, so if you could jump over a candlestick and not snuff or extinguish the flame you had good luck.

But the nimble part is what catches my attention. I think that in all aspects of our lives we need to be more nimble, to adjust to situations. That would help Humpty Dumpty if he could be more nimble up on that wall. And you and I can be more nimble and how we deal with myriad situations — jobs, careers, personal lives, how we learn to self-isolate, how do we get out of self-isolation, and what lessons can we take in and out of isolation. I see lots of interesting issues raised around the COVID-19 shut-down lock-down.

So there are two Nursery Rhymes to help you consider ways of improving your situation. Those are my thoughts for today.

I’m Kit Cassingham with Live In Focused Energy. And go to my website and subscribe to the newsletter. You’ll get more pearls on a weekly-ish basis as I think about life and how to overcome fear, discomfort, and worry. I work on how we can all transform our lives. I’ll talk to you later. Kit Cassingham, over and out for now.

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