Who’s The CEO In Your Life?

The wind during today’s LIFE Live stream was so bad that it made it hard for people to hear or understand all of my words. So, here’s the transcript, below the video, of being your own CEO and experiencing a high performance life.

Hi, I’m Kit Cassingham, Founder of and Chief Energizing Officer at Live In Focused Energy.

You’ve been hearing me say for a month now — 30 days — that I’m the Chief Energizing Officer of Live In Focused Energy. Have you ever wondered what that meant? Well, I’m here to say that it’s my mission to help people get more energy so they can get more of all aspects of their lives — their Health, Wealth, Work, and Play.

I work with entrepreneurs and innkeepers — and anyone really — because I want to help them get more out of their life with more grace and ease. And if you have ADD, a partner or child with ADD, or “merely” ADD Moments, this work is especially valuable. Everyone deserves high performance living.

I said everybody deserves high performance living. Well, what is high performance living? It is that ongoing feeling of full engagement, and joy, and confidence that comes from consistent living from your best self. You’ve heard me talk about living into your best self, when you consistently work at it, and work from that place, you get that. And high performance living is the result of sustained levels of focus or clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and influence, and that results in more mindfulness, and more success with grace and ease. You can see why I think everybody deserves it.

So, today is day 30 of my month challenge. I wanted to share more specifically my progress. I touched on it yesterday, and may have covered all the points but I’m going to do it again because it’s day 30.

Reading from notes:
I have…
– Done daily streaming for 30 consecutive days. That’s consistency. I’ve not only done them live here with you and for you, but also posted them to YouTube and my website
– Exercised daily with some combination of walking, riding my stationary bike, and my core strength building exercises [3times/week] – I have written and posted, or published 2 newsletters. That’s the first time since the end of January that I’ve done that.
– Sunday’s newsletter is written and scheduled for publication
– I have been sleeping average of 8 hours/night; the past two nights have been weak and I’ll make up for that tonight
– I have been doing very well at my morning ritual. I’ve been 90% consistent with doing it first thing in the morning. And I’ve been pretty good — I have a 50% batting average right now — with envisioning my day as part of my morning ritual. I enjoy it a lot and I see that it really does make a difference in helping me anticipate more joy, more productivity. Yeah, it’s feeling like a real good addition.

So, what do I have to work on still? From notes:
– I want to get back to having a stable, a consistent, Evening Ritual. That will consist of a short meditation, flossing and brushing my teeth, finding – reminding myself of the day’s blessings, having a gratitude journal, at least in my head but maybe in writing.
– I’m going to work on my Productivity. I’m going to use my Time Management tool. I’m going to block my time and because I want integrity with myself and not just you and others, I will stick to that block so if you call me, text me, Facebook me, email me I will only be responding during the appropriate block time. I’m going to be much more consistent with taking breaks. Not only the hourly breaks but time off during the week. Several of my associates have been talking about how much more productive they are when by taking 2 and 3 days off each the week for just personal time, time with the family, friends, and some of them off for church and stuff. I know that I will be taking a lot of time for my walking and I do that with friends, and I’ll honor my date nights with Randy, and I’ll figure out what to do with my time off.
– I want to be more mindful, increase my Mindfulness, especially around food and eating. I want to eat more slowly, I want to pay attention to what I’m eating and not just wolf it down or inhale it. Sometimes I feel like a human vacuum cleaner, and if you’ve ever eaten with me you may think I’m a human vacuum cleaner sometimes — unless you are too. I also want to be more mindful of my talking so that I listen twice as much as I speak. I want to honor the people I’m with.

That’s what’s been going on so far. I’ve decided to continue doing to these daily streaming series, the daily streams, as part of my continued self-coaching to high performance living. Remember consistency is a big element of high performance living so I will continue coaching myself as part of that. And you are part of my accountability coaches whether you knew it or not.

You can be your own chief energizing officer, you know. Or I should say, Can you? You’ve learned a lot these past 30 days. You know a lot. So, I vote….that yes you can be. However, we all have our blind spots and that’s why I have coaches to help me in various areas of my life. If you want help with your blind spots, I’m here for you. Just contact me and we’ll work things out.

I appreciate you watching my videos. If you have gotten value out of these, please share them, leave comments, ratings, write a review for Facebook so others have their chance to find these live stream videos and get value also.

I’m Kit Cassingham with LiveInFocusedEnergy.com. Have a great evening. See you tomorrow!

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