Happy New Year?

Happy new year!

Have you noticed that there’s something about New Years that is rejuvenating? People renew their commitments, make new plans, and refresh their enthusiasm for their life every January 1 — like clockwork.

It’s a lovely tradition to air out the cobwebs in your life and get back on track. Resolutions of better lifestyles and better connections with friends and family rank high on Resolution Lists. Better health regimes, work and personal goals, travel, and hobbies are among other resolutions that make others’ lists. What makes yours?

The challenge, of course, is that with the refreshed enthusiasm and optimism for the new year you tend to take on too many changes or resolutions. Maybe that’s why I see numerous self-development gurus suggest not making new year resolutions — it’s a “they tend to fail so why bother” mentality.

Here’s something for you to consider…every day is the beginning of a new year. With that in mind, let me urge you to step up each day and resolve to improve some aspect of your life. Consider having a list of resolutions that you can work from, working on one or two changes at a time.

Start today. Make your New Year’s Resolution List, as you would any January 1, though of course, it’s not January 1st — it is the first day of your coming year, though. Choose one or two items from the list and proceed to work that goal or change until you are comfortable that you’ve mastered it and incorporated it into your life’s weaving. Then move onto another one or two items.

You may master one of your challenges, or resolution list items, in a week or it might be in a month. The challenge itself and your dedication to working with it will impact how quickly you master it. Taking on fewer challenges at once raises the chances the challenge will be mastered and not dropped like a lead weight within a week or two, or maybe in a month.

When you take baby steps toward your high performance living — which is what the growth from New Year Resolutions is all about — you experience more success. That success begets further success. You get all that success building up and your satisfaction improves, your pride grows, and your productivity flourishes.

You want to harness your life and make the most of it? Treat each day as a New Year’s day with that fresh energy, commitment, and perspective. Take on your growth in baby steps, one day at a time, and experience more growth than you do when you have only one New Year each year. This is going to surprise you, but there’s more energy in 365 new year days than in one.

Here’s to your powerful new year!

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year?”

    • 🙂 I sure enjoy avoiding that maelstrom of overwhelm. I bet you get better success and resolution compliance when you take them on one or two at a time — regularly.


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