What Is Energy?

The title this week is a question people keep asking me. It’s a good question to ask because you want to be sure you have “the right stuff”. And it’s good to answer so we can be sure we are on the same page, you and I.

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Why Do You Need Ikigai?

You probably don’t get asked that question very often, do you? Why do you need ikigai?

First, let me explain what it is so you can better contemplate why you need it. Ikigai is Japanese for “your reason for being” or “why you get up in the morning”. It further expands to your reason to enjoy life.

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Music Lifts Mood and Energy

Music has been in my life for as long as I can remember — and that’s a long time; my memories go back as far as 1-1/2 years old. Singing along with records, TV programs (there were lots of those in those days), and musicals was my way of life. I didn’t sing well, but I loved it!

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Last week I wrote about how chaos and clutter can drain your energy. A reader responded with the notion that you miss out on spontaneous events when you schedule your day too rigidly. Scheduling your day is intended to help you avoid the energy thief of chaos by controlling it, by herding the cats.

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Chaos Theory

Is it your habit or style to keep tidy, orderly surroundings? Or, does chaos and clutter rule your life? I swing between the two, depending on my level of busyness. And my energy swings right along with the chaos or orderliness.

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If The Shoe Fits

The ugly stepsisters learned that they couldn’t put their feet in the glass slipper, despite the handsome prince’s best efforts. Cinderella had no problem putting her foot into the slipper, though, because for her it was a perfect fit.

Life is like that — some things fit, and some don’t. Learning new lessons and habits, and ways of living, and working follow that same pattern — some things fit, and some don’t. I know that’s been true for me.

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Fueling Station

One source of your energy is your kitchen, in the broad picture anyway, just like one source of your car’s energy is the fueling station, aka the mini-mart. Think about it for a moment. In both cases you can buzz through quickly getting just what you came for, or you can dally and get more than what you came for. Either way, are you making sound decisions that make for a productive day?

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The Calorie Forest

“You can’t see the forest for the trees” is an old idiom that roughly means you are looking at the small details so closely you are missing the bigger picture. Do you ever do that?

One such issue that fits in this category is the discussion about calories. “A calorie is a calorie” is often the opening salvo. The sides in the conversation tend to be dieters and scientist-types. It seems that positions get entrenched about whether a calorie is a calorie, or if they are “different kinds” of calories.

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