Do you realize that every thing is a choice? Every action, every thought — it is all up to you. You always have options. Always. Even when you don’t like the choices or the ramifications of those choices.
A client shared with me her joy at honoring her self-commitment to more exercise. What she felt strongest and liked most about her commitment was how liberating it was, and taking action was even more liberating. Before we started our coaching program she had tried and failed at sticking to an exercise program. She had dozens of excuses, the best being she “hated” exercise. Now that statement makes her laugh because she’s never done enough exercise to know how she feels about it!
By recognizing she had choice she recognized she didn’t have to limit herself or be a victim. That’s power!
She’s not the only one who has recognized that life is a series of choices. I’ve had friends, family, associates, and clients comment about their choices. How you choose to live your life is one choice after another. How you eat and exercise and work and play are all choices. The education you pursue, music you listen to, or even jokes you tell — all are choices.
Living a good life is a set of actions you take intentionally. Healthy eating is a choice. Exercising is a choice. Kindness is a choice. High performance is a choice. Quitting is a choice — and one that doesn’t lead to a good life.
When people are faced with difficult choices they sometimes avoid the choice decision by either procrastinating or passing it to someone else to decide about. Those are choices. You might bow to the pressure of the situation, feeling you don’t have options. That’s the trick — what you feel isn’t necessarily the truth. The feeling is valid, absolutely. That doesn’t make it the truth, though. When you take responsibility for your actions — for your choices — you take charge of your life and control of your choices. That’s when you quit being a victim.
When choose not being a victim your life changes, you have the power you deserve. That’s when your life becomes yours.
You might call taking control of your choices taking personal responsibility. It is an important part of being a strong person and a contributor to society. Yet, sometimes it feels a bit challenging to take responsibility for all of your thoughts and actions. Surely others can shoulder the burden of your actions and choices — or lack thereof — couldn’t they?
Nope. Not if you have integrity. Not if you are a high performer. Not if you are going to live your life.
It’s all a matter of choice.
You can choose to take responsibility or not. You can choose to be a victim or a winner. You can choose to lower your standards or you can uphold your standards. You can choose to cave or to stand strong. Those are all choices. Even choosing to not choose in a choice.
Is your head swimming yet? Is it screaming in protest? Or, is it thrilling with opportunity?
Life is like a hike — you make it along by taking one step after another. Some steps are hard while some are easy — they all combine to create your journey. Stop to smell the roses, greet the people you meet along the way, help others, and appreciate where you are each moment. That’s what builds appreciation of your situation and your destination. It’s a collection of choices you act on. Make it a beautiful hike.
I feel that choice is liberating and empowering when done with consciousness and mindfulness.