The Dynamic LIFE Coaching Program

The 12-session Dynamic LIFE Coaching Program is is the Emotional Universe work with clients.

This is what your Coaching Experience will include:
  1. Twelve one-hour personal coaching sessions where we explore your issues around your comfort level in life: imprisoned to inspired. Each session has a specific topic to explore,probe, and discuss the ways you can integrate the concepts into your high performance life for more. The topics help us explore how you approach your life and the people in it. The umbrella words for the topics are control, competence, congruence, caring, connection, change, challenge, creative expression, contribution, and consciousness. These topics interweave with the themes we worked with in the LIFE High Performance Coaching to help shape you into the person you want to be.
  2. Written summary of each session which includes your plan for the week. This document becomes a reminder of the breakthroughs you had during each session, a record of the actions you suggested and agreed to take, and even of the wisdom you pulled from your depths as we discussed the various topics so that you realized what you needed to do.
  3. Additional resources like exercises that I either taught you during a session or ones I think will further your goals, books that support your interests, worksheets for more introspection, and links to sites that will give you new perspectives.

The coaching sessions are geared toward helping you become an even better version of you. No matter how strong you are in all the areas of your life, you can be a higher performer, more charged, and more energetic. It’s not my role to solve problems for you, but to guide you to find your own truths. The world’s highest performers use coaches to push themselves to better and higher levels of living. That’s what you get when you work with me: someone who will push you through to more truth and commitment.

This is intense work, guided by one-on-one sessions, typically an hour each week, and then some “homework” you need to do, which I’ll help guide you by providing a summary of our time together. This self-investment is $5,000.