Superpower Discovery

Do you know why you do what you do? What drives you? Your Superpower feeds your Purpose. It explains your passions, why you get up in the morning, what drives you, and how you naturally act in life. Knowing your Superpower gives you direction. When you know why you do what you do you are better prepared to live into your values and to follow your dreams.

Since I have studied the process of discovering your why and even having been a certified Why Coach I have created my own system for helping you discover your Superpower.

Once you understand how you work and how you are motivated and driven, you better understand who you are and will understand the face you present to the world. You operate from a place of confidence and power when you have fully recognized your Superpower. Your Superpower accounts for your DNA for apprpoaching your life and the world.

Think about your computer’s operating system. The better you understand it the better you can operate your computer and get from it what you want and need. Your own operating system is the same: the better you understand it the better you can operate your life and get from it what you want and need.

It’s powerful to have confidence in who you are and why you are doing what you do, to understand your Superpower.



Kit guided me through my Superpower Discovery and allowed me to share how I related to each its aspects.  I found this very valuable as it truly was a confirmation of who I am and the way I approach my life. Personally, I have done a lot of self-work and would suggest this to anyone who wishes to increase their awareness about themselves.  When you know your “superpower”, you can live a more satisfying life instead of fighting yourself through life.

Bringing Ikigai into this conversation was brilliant. It overlays the elements of your life to help you uncover your mission, what the world needs, what you can get paid for, and what you’re good at.  When you know these things you can better tailor your life to what your true calling is.  I highly recommend working with Kit Cassingham as she helps you uncover your brilliance.”
—Rebecca Fuller, Intuitive Coach & Consultant, Alberta, Canada

Kit helped me change and redirect my life in a subtle but extremely effective way, helping me gently observe and redirect the doubts and misgivings that had been controlling my assumptions and behaviors. Her “superpower” conversation was truly enlightening and almost scarily revealing. With her help, I examined my definition of a “purposeful life,” strategized about ways to implement my own definition of purpose in my daily existence, and began changing my behavior accordingly. And it worked. I recommend her without reservation or hesitation. You will benefit from tapping into her considerable skills.
—Sue Treiman, Multi-award-winning Reporter/TV Producer/Journalist, New York, NY